BeanFruit Coffee Company

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Colombia Finca San Jose: 92 Points Coffee Review

May 25, 2016

Our Colombia Finca San Jose received a score of 92 points from Coffee Review! We've enjoyed this coffee and we were glad to hear they did as well. Check out their full review below:

Bean Fruit Coffee Co.

Colombia Finca San Jose

Location: Jackson, Mississippi

Reviewed: May 2016


Price: $15.25/12 ounces


Aroma:    8

Acidity:      9             

Body:          8    

Flavor:          9    

Aftertaste:    8


Roast (Agtron): (56/80)


Origin: Pitalito, San Agustin growing region, Huila Department, southern Colombia




Notes: Pitalito is a highly respected growing area east of the Andes in the southern Colombian Department of Huila. Produced by Don Fauder Alvarez entirely of the Caturra variety of Arabica. Alvarez modifies the typical wet-processing method by de-pulping and fermenting the coffee without water for around 12 hours, then adding water to the tank to slow down or “reset” the fermentation before drying the coffee. BeanFruit Coffee Coffee Company is a small coffee-roasting company located in the Jackson, Mississippi area, founded on a desire to provide fresh-roasted coffee to the Jackson area and educate local consumers about great-tasting coffee. Visit or call 601-624-2605 for more information.


Blind assessment: Deeply sweet-savory. Roasted cacao nib, sage, ripe kiwi, magnolia, sandalwood in aroma and cup. Sweet, juicy acidity; buoyant, syrupy mouthfeel. The crisp, gently drying finish centers around roasted cacao nib and hazelnut.


The bottom line: A big Colombia that offers equal parts sweet and savory pleasure, enlivened throughout with nut and chocolate suggestions.

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